Misha Crews

Love stories about old houses and family secrets.

05First let me say: Happy Halloween! I hope that you have some spooktacularly fun things planned: costumes, candy, and just the right amount of shivers to suit your particular taste.

Personally, I have something terrifying going on today: I’m starting a new job! (Pause for screams.) Yes, it’s true: as you read these words, I am most likely sitting in my cubicle, working in a full-time, grownup-style job: stockings, eyeshadow and everything.

af8It was almost a year ago to the day that I moved from bustling Northern Virginia to the peaceful Shenandoah Valley. At the time, I had planned to do nothing but write: crank out a bunch of novels and short stories, and hopefully make enough to contribute to the family budget. But for various and sundry reasons, things haven’t turned out exactly as planned. And so, back to office work I go.

If it sounds like I’m a little down about this, well… okay, I guess I am.  Mostly I’m disappointed in myself for not pushing harder and really making this writing thing go. However, there are three things that keep my chin from dragging too hard on the floor:

  1. professional-writer-quoteI will still write! The fact that forty of my hours every week will be spent in a cubicle does not prohibit me from practicing my art. I wrote four novels while working full-time (and sometimes working a part-time job or two at the same time). So, if you ever hear me using “work” as an excuse for not writing, don’t let me get away with it!  🙂
  2. I need the structure, and the socialization. I’ve let myself become sort of undisciplined (“sort of” is putting it kindly). It will be good to have a framework around which to hang my hours. As for the social part: I love people, but I am a bit of an introvert, and I can be slow to make friends. So I’m looking forward to “enforced interaction,” meeting new people, and generally being less of a hermit.
  3. I’m lucky to have found a job where the people are nice, and the work is agreeable. These were my two biggest “wants” when job hunting: a pleasant environment, and a job that I don’t have to mentally carry home with me every day. My new position seems to fit both criteria, and I will count this blessing every day.

While it’s never pleasant to realize that one has wasted an opportunity, the truth is, there are many opportunities out there, just waiting to be seized. And so, ever forward! I will dig into my new job, and keep working on my writing (you can sign up to receive free short stories here, by the way!).

And, because every Monday should have a little touch of adorableness, here is a kitten in a jack-o-lantern, to make your Halloween complete:


Have a fantastic week!



2 thoughts on “Writer Gets a Day Job

  1. E. Ayers says:

    Yikes, the day job! Just keep writing!

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