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Comfort Reading: Agatha Christie

In these days of social distancing and long grocery lines, it’s important to find comfort and peace wherever we can. Curling up with a good book is wonderful under the best of circumstances: in stressful times like the one we’re living through, it becomes even more important.

Like many readers, I adore Agatha Christie. She had that unique gift of drawing us into a world with a minimum of words. Her writing is clean and smooth and beautifully British. She makes complex knots with memorable characters, and yet her language is always deceptively simple. She is my very favorite writer of all time.

And what could be more comforting than disappearing into Saint Mary Meade, where Jane Marple always knows the truth about every situation? She can serve you a nice cup of tea, perhaps a morsel of seed cake, sweetly explain what happened to Mrs. Price-Ridley’s gill of pickled shrimp and disclose who dumped a body in Colonel Bantry’s library.

Below are pictures of some of my favorite Miss Marple books, with a little bit about each one in the captions.

What fiction stories do you read when you want some comfort?

Who could believe that this sleepy English village would be the home of one of the most brilliant criminal minds of the 20th Century? Image credit:
When I was about fourteen I found this hardcover book in a Waldenbooks store in DC. It was a rainy Sunday. I started reading on the subway ride home and was instantly in love. It was my first exposure to Miss Marple. Since then I have read these books over and over again. They never get old.
I received this paperback as a Secret Santa gift sometime around 1988. I read and re-read the stories so many times that the book eventually fell apart, and I eventually replaced it with a hardcover copy.
Instead of St Mary Mead, this novel is set in the town of Lymstock, and although it’s definitely a Miss Marple Mystery, she takes a minor role in this one. I have gone back The Moving Finger again and again: I love the vividness of the characters and the inscrutability of the mystery (“Poison Pen” letters spark mayhem and murder). It also has a bit of a love story which makes it extra special.
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