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New Year 2022: Looking Back and Looking Forward

Hello, my friends, and Happy New Year! 🤗

I’ve spent the last few days looking back to the year that just ended. 2021 was a year of high highs and low lows. In March I lost my beloved aunt Helen, a woman whose sweet voice and ever-forward attitude I miss every day. She was the last “grown up” in my life: the last person whose job it was to shelter and encourage me. And so now, at 50, I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I am an adult (which, as I’m sure you’ll agree, is a very silly thing to be). Much of my focus this year has been on continuing to nurture my inner child, while figuring out how to function in a world where neither of my parents nor my aunt are present.

In May my younger sister moved in with my husband and I while she looked for a new job. With much persistence, she found a great job, and in January she will be moving into a new house. I’m so proud! ❤️

When Rebecca moved in, she brought our cat Lucy with her. Lucy was our father’s cat, and she has lived with Becca since 2011. Sadly, Lucy passed away in July. She was 18 years old. We miss her every day. She and my sister were soulmates.

In the summer, my husband and I took advantage of our telework status and went on a cross-country trip. We visited Joshua Tree National Park, the Petrified Forest, and also celebrated our 25th anniversary. Love you sweetie, and thanks for sticking with me. 💕

And finally, after a 7-year writing hiatus, I published in 2021. “The House on the Hill,” a sequel to my first novel, is what I call my dream novel. It was the book that made me fall in love with writing again. “The Book of Forgotten Angels” is my novel of second chances and holds a special place in my heart.

Here are a few pics to commemorate the year just finished:

The final image is one I took this morning. This is the first light of the new year. Although the day is cloudy, I can never get enough of those mountains. Welcome, 2022! Welcome change, welcome to the new, welcome to adventures and laughter and love and light. Let’s read all the books, make all the art, hug all the hugs and accomplish all the accomplishments. Yes, there are challenges coming. Not all the days will be sunny. There will be tears, and there will be hardship. Such is the way of things. But… there is so much good stuff waiting for us out there, I can hardly stand it. 💕

So, okay, my friends, let’s do this 2022! Happy New Year! Let’s make it a great one!


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