Misha Crews

Love stories about old houses and family secrets.

Well, friends, I guess I should come clean about something: I have run away to Los Angeles. Okay, actually I drove. (By myself. Cross-country. I have never done anything like that before, and it was amazing.)

In brief, here’s what happened: about fifteen years ago, I made my first trip to L.A., and I immediately fell in love with the place. It’s not that I don’t love my home state of Virginia: believe me, I do, and I always will. But just like it’s possible to be in love with more than one person at a time, it is also totally possible to be smitten with more than one coast at a time. And I was bitten by the L.A. Lovebug. Hard. I spent the next fifteen or so years trying to convince my family to move west, and also trying to convince myself that I really didn’t want to. I was equally unsuccessful in both ventures. 🙂

Then, a few months ago, I came to Los Angeles for a visit, and I managed to secure a job for myself. (You can read a little about my up-and-down employment history here and here.) Once I had guaranteed employment waiting for me, I had a guaranteed excuse to make the leap from east coast to west. And so I leapt. Totally terrified, completely unprepared, and doing it anyway.

I arrived in L.A. a little more than four weeks ago. Yes, it’s a big city, and dirty, and there’s a lot of traffic and everything is more expensive than back home. I miss my family and friends more than words can express. But I for some reason, I am happy. More than happy, I have the feeling that I am exactly where I am supposed to be at this time in my life. I may not stay forever, but I’m here now.

So, that’s a quick rundown of where I am and why I’m here. I’m including some pictures from my drive. I wish I had taken more pictures and better pictures, but these are a few of my favorites. Also, before I forget, I am writing! New releases coming soon. For real this time.

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