Misha Crews

Love stories about old houses and family secrets.

Okay, full disclosure: when I started writing this post, Enchanted April was free to stream on Amazon Prime. Now, unfortunately, it appears as though you may have to pay to watch it. However, it is such a great film that I decided to go ahead and share this, because it is more than worth the …

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Well, my friends, here we are, on the cusp of another presidential election. (Is it just me, or are these things getting more and more contentious? Nah, probably just my imagination.) Anyway, it won’t be long before we know which candidate will lead this country through the next four years. And whatever the outcome of …

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Wow, wow, wow, where has the year gone? Here we are, halfway through October already; feels like summer barely paid us a visit before it dashed off again. (Or is that just me?) With less than two weeks until Halloween, I want to fully immerse myself in All Hallows Spirit. Which, for me, means candy …

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